Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Use Class time {to Sing Songs}

4th period AP World History || Enjoying their class time
There are so many studies out there showing that music can assist in our ability to learn that is is ridiculous.  I have used music in my history classroom since day one back in January 2000.  Initially, I just played music in class because it is so much a love and passion of mine - not to mention that before teaching, I had spent most of the previous four years playing in bands.  So, music was an important part of my life, and thus merged seamlessly into my teaching.  It wasn't until much later that I realized how much of a positive impact the music was having in my classroom.

The Chinese Dynasty song is something that we have been doing in my class for almost ten years.  It takes all of the major dynasties in the history of China, and sings them (in chronological order) to the tune of "Are You Sleeping."  I did not create this song, and I do not remember where I learned it - but it is common among AP World History teachers.   Again,
I spent most of my pre-teaching life playing guitar - so I always accompany my students as they learn to sing this song.  And over time, the singing of this song has come to take on a life of its own.

Every year - when it comes time to sing this song, most of the students start out sheepishly, and find it difficult to sit at their desks and sing.  I model it for them, typically playing the song through 2-3 times, but it takes time to build a level of comfort.  They hardly sing, or if they do it is a whisper.  But after we screw it up together (which always happens), and then add our own ideas to it, they most often dive in.

At the very least - the Dynasty song is a parlor trick way of teaching students how to memorize the dynasties.  But I have found that it also brings us closer together, and pays huge dividends for later in the class.  The students learn to edge out of their comfort zones by singing this song, and breaking that barrier enables the class to find more meaning in many of the activities/experiences in which we will engage throughout the school year. It is a team building activity more than anything else, and one that brings more joy and understanding to our class.  And that makes it worth every minute of class time.

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