The project also required students to write a short essay (with timeline) about the long term impact of the revolution on the reverse side.
As usual, these kids did an amazing job and exceeded my expectations (hence this blog post!).
The project also required students to write a short essay (with timeline) about the long term impact of the revolution on the reverse side.
As usual, these kids did an amazing job and exceeded my expectations (hence this blog post!).
Anyways, with new additions to our student body for the 21-22 school year, our school recently celebrated the addition of five new flags this year, with students representing countries from Latin America, to Western Europe, to West Africa. (Colombia, Germany, Honduras, Liberia, and Spain).
North Buncombe is so proud of our diverse student body and always appreciates the opportunity to display a new flag to honor our students and their family histories.A few years ago, I stole a great idea from several other teachers that included the "Autopsy of an Empire" project. The students are assigned a major empire from the period of 1450-1750, and are to create a life-sized history of the personified empire. Due to the pandemic, we were unable to tackle this project last year, so it was great to bring it back this month. Per usual, the students worked really hard on this one and produced fantastic work.
The most valuable preparation that I ever received for teaching history in a public high school was from punk rock bands. Growing up in Win...