"There is nothing wrong with loving the crap out of everything. Negative people find their walls. So never apologize for your enthusiasm. Never. Ever. Never." - Ryan Adams
After a great summer filled with travel, family, books, and adventure - I am crazy excited to get back to my world/classroom for a new school year ( which is Mural-o-Rama thanks to my incredible students.)
Teaching is my passion, and I am nothing if not enthusiastic. So this year I am absolutely chomping at the bit to do my thing.
I just love it so much.
I am full believer of intellectual curiosity and enthusiasm, and even on the days when I am not at my best - it is my hope that I can still exude both of these to my students. I am a social person, so teaching high school agrees with my general disposition - as I enjoy meeting new students and their families each year. It is a humbling and exciting experience of discovery to get a glimpse of the group of people with whom I will be spending my school days over the next semester. And it remains my hope to create an environment where curiosity, rigor, and enthusiasm are encouraged and the norm.
I am grateful for the opportunity to teach history. Though it is a job, it remains a love for me - and I am excited about bringing my enthusiasm to my new student family.