Our Skype Session with the students of the New India School |
From there, our class researched local poverty here in Buncombe County, and created (and shared) a powerpoint on the local initiatives to alleviate the effects of poverty. My students researched free/reduced lunch rates for the North Buncombe District, the CHIP Health insurance program, as well as local charities who work to end poverty. Our friends in India did the same, and we compared notes via a Skype session this morning (or evening for India).
While having that face to face interaction, the students were also able to ask each other questions about local poverty, education, food, and entertainment. It has been a great experience for all of us, and it is fair to say that we are all more engaged and curious about our world - and how we can improve it. The opening page of my syllabus for AP World History states that our primary goal in this class is to explore the ties that bind. This opportunity to meet students from the other side of the world, learn about each other, and discuss our commonalities in dealing with local poverty is a major step towards that goal.
I feel so lucky to have this job: and lucky to spend my days with these students. They continue to inspire and amaze me.