Returning to the classroom after a year away has just been incredible. Wearing masks and following various protocols has been challenging of course, but just being in the classroom with smart, curious kids still fills my cup like few other things. Having conversations that teach us new ideas, dancing together, dressing up in class, learning how to do hard things, and making art to grow has just been so refreshing.
In addition, for the first time ever, I have my son in my own class this year. I have been teaching this class much longer than he has been alive, so it is really cool to have him in there.
Many of his childhood friends are in this class as well (whom I have also known since they were tiny), and it has made for a constant free-flowing conversation everyday. It is just cool to be in a room with smart kids with whom I share a long history. As a result, we are functioning more like a family now, with a long history. With this year's familiar group of kids, we get more of each others' references and it is making me a better teacher.
I'm also back in the building with many of my best friends (fellow teachers). I am a social animal, so being around these great dudes in the hallway keep me laughing and on my toes.
Here's to family in the classroom, in more ways than one.
Noah's cereal box biography project |
Extra Credit to see UNCA's School of Athens |