Friday, February 26, 2016

Dead. Of. Winter.

The dead of winter is always a challenge for me, as a history teacher. So much of what I do is about keeping a good pace, while continuing to make history meaningful. Missing days for snow, and the constant unpredictability of that, creates barriers to the above goals. It is hard to know when to push through content (for fear of getting too far behind the pace), or to slow down and dig in with more meaningful strategies.
This past week has been the first week in a while where I have felt comfortable enough to slow down and use precious class time minutes to pursue activities for interest. It has been fun, and enjoyable for us all. From review game dress up relays outside, to dancing to the Istanbul song, to human statues portrayals of revolutions - we have had fun while working hard. 
Here's to spring time!

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What is Punk Rock Pedagogy?

The most valuable preparation that I ever received for teaching history in a public high school was from punk rock bands.  Growing up in Win...